Correlating State Cancer Center Funding with State Cancer Mortality

The following map shows the age-adjusted all cancer death rate for each state by year. Darker the red, the higher the cancer death rate per 100,000 population. The blue dots on the map show the location of NCI designated cancer centers. Dark blue dots show the Comprehensive Cancer Centers, blue show the Clinical Cancer Centers & light blue show the Basic Cancer Centers.
You are currently looking at year: 2000

Click on map to reveal individual state information. Hover on map for details.
Use the slider below to set year. Click button below to resize states by funding.

Use this slider to set year. You are currently looking at year: 2000


  • This visualization shows the age-adjusted cancer death rate for each state over the years 2000-2015.
  • The slider can be used to change the year; it only affects the state data on the zoomed-out map that shows all of USA.
  • The county data is not year-wise. It is the 5 year average (2011-2015) age-adjusted death rate.
  • The funding data is expressed in dollars per 1,000.
  • The blue dots show the following:
    • The dark blue dots show Comprehensive cancer center.
    • The blue dots show Clinical cancer center.
    • The light blue dots show Basic cancer center.
  • The timeseries graphs that display trends for a specific state can be filtered using the labels.